
We invite you to complete a SERIES of fun, and skill building prompts, to help you in cOMPLETING your own artist sketchbook.

Submit your pictures at: studio@barkingsideartclub.com

Take part in The Sketchbook project, by following all, or at the least 10, of the prompts. Below, are attached some prompts, please visit our YouTube Channel for more.

Capture your work via picture or video and send it via email.

Goat drawing inspired by Picasso - Using Watercolour

Picasso-style portrait with ink.

Picasso-style Figure Drawing

Paint your own cover for your Sketchbook!

Easy and Fun! Wet-paper Watercolour method, inspired by Starry Night.

Draw a Fruit : Orange in Watercolour

Draw a fruit : Pear in Watercolour

We invite you to draw beautiful Fishes - we drew so many they made a bright rainbow!

A fun little Rabbit Drawing Challenge.